Water Meets Sky

Water Meets Sky:The Magic of Wet Edge and Blade Edge Pools   Home | Search Results for "" When it comes to pool design, the latest trends are all about seamless sophistication, blurred boundaries and dramatic visuals. Among the most coveted styles today...

Crystal Pools Hoards The Awards

Home | Posts Tagged "Gold Awards" Crystal Pools Hoards The Awards Building upon an already extensive repertoire of accolades, Crystal Pools have managed to secure an astonishing three awards, and were finalists for a further two, at the 2021 Master Builders...

The Inside Scoop On Indoor Pools

Home | Posts Tagged "Pool Safety" The Inside Scoop On Indoor Pools Now that the summer months have come to a close and daylight savings has well and truly ended, people are starting to move indoors, preparing for the cooler months. But that doesn’t...

101 Locations

Home | Posts Tagged "Sydney Pool + Outdoor Design 21" 101 Locations Your swimming pool and outdoor landscape should be an extension of your home – an impressive feat that can be achieved by tailoring your pool design around your locale. Here, Crystal Pools’...

Crystal Pools

Home | Posts Tagged "Bespoke Pools" Crystal Pools Crystal Pools celebrated its 61st anniversary in 2018 and is one of Australia’s longest-operating pool companies. Since 1957, it has built more than 20,000 residential pools and 1000 commercial pools, and won...