Sunrise Pools – SPASA Awards 2017

Lighting Feature
Sunrise Pools was awarded two Gold (one for regional) for the SPASA Lighting Feature.
Lighting Feature – Gold
Sunrise Pools:
“Perched atop a penthouse apartment in the prestigious inner-city suburb of Surry Hills, this fully tiled swim spa gives bathers a bird’s-eye view of Sydney’s sprawling skyline. The curvaceous design is accentuated with iridescent tiles that add a golden glow to the reinforced-concrete structure, which wraps around the beautiful outdoor setting.
“Neutral concrete features – including an alfresco kitchen and a feature wall with an outdoor shower – allow the swim spa to do what it was designed to do; create a stunning focal point while providing a luxurious water feature that satisfies both relaxation and fitness briefs.”
“All the challenges [of] working on a high-rise rooftop were overcome with a comprehensive management and construction plan. With most of the building materials craned into position, the team customised the 2.4m x 2.4m, 1.0m-deep swim spa using eight spa jets with outlets on the floor, and a two-blower, [as well as] energy-efficient pumps, two LED underwater lights, and a gas heater.”
Residential Concrete Pool over $100,000
Sunrise Pools was awarded both Gold and Bronze for the (regional) SPASA Residential Concrete Pool over $100,000.
Lap Pool – Concrete
Sunrise Pools was awarded Silver for the (regional) SPASA Lap Pool – Concrete.
Residential Concrete Pool $50,000 to $100,000
Sunrise Pools was awarded Bronze for the (regional) SPASA Residential Concrete Pool $50,000 to $100,000.
Innovative Pool and/or Spa
Sunrise Pools was awarded Bronze for the (regional) SPASA Innovative Pool and/or Spa.