Nepean Pools – SPASA Awards 2017

Residential Fibreglass Pool up to $40,000
Nepean Pools was awarded both Gold (regional) and Silver for the SPASA Residential Fibreglass Pool up to $40,000.
(regional) Residential Fibreglass Pool up to $40,000 – Gold
Nepean Pools:
“[The team] explored a number of ideas before coming up with a final design that would fit perfectly in this family’s home. The swimming pool can be viewed from the main living area [via an] enormous glass window feature.”
“The pool is a major feature of the home [and the family’s] lifestyle; [it offers] year-round swimming, which is made possible with an energy-efficient gas heater and automatic filtration system.”
Residential Fibreglass Pool $40,000 to $60,000
Nepean Pools was awarded Silver for the SPASA Residential Fibreglass Pool $40,000 – $60, 000.
Residential Fibreglass Pool over $60,000
Nepean Pools was awarded Bronze for the SPASA Residential Fibreglass Pool over $60,000.